Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tin Tackles The Schedule

I realize I'm the last person to bring up the subject of the Dolphins' 2009 Schedule, but I might be the first one to actually dive in face first and get covered in it. You see, I may not know much (actually I know quite a bit, but I'm trying to come across as humble) but if there's one thing I do know, it's how to assemble things from a list of parts, It's sort of what I do for a living, and on the weekends I like to go to the local Ikea and show up the pimply punks who work there by assembling additional 'floor models' while no one's looking.

So in the next installment of Tin's Fins, I will tackle the schedule in a way that no one else will (at least not until August), by greasing up, and going in full throttle. I will assemble the Dolphins 2009 schedule one game at a time and give you a finished product at the end that you can either sit on, stack books upon, or store extra blankets in. Whatever you do with it, it will present itself as useful to you, and might even have a Nordic name, like 'Taking a loki at the schedule'.

Don't miss it.


  1. I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm going to write a comment in the future unlike any comment ever commented before. I will do this by not looking back, taking chances, and while listening to the song 'Danger Zone' from the movie Top Gun.
    It will be something you can show all your friends, keep to read to children for a bedtime story, or laminate, frame, and put on your wall as a motivational tool

  2. That would be sweet.  LOL.

  3. I continued to ignore your "Let's talk Dolphins" theme in the previous post and talked some more soccer - check out the news if you haven't already heard? (Didn't want to "pollute" too many blogs for the US regulars by filling this one with soccer talk too!)

  4. The Knight who says Ni!June 11, 2009 at 8:07 AM

    I'm writing an awe inspiring article about how married men can pick up hot women with their wives' approval. This is one you don't want to miss.  8-)

  5. The Knight who says Ni!June 11, 2009 at 8:09 AM

    uk, thanks for sparing us the utter boredom.  :-P

  6. Knight,
    Didn't John Wayne Bobbit scoop you on that one? It didn't go down too well? (bad pun intended)

  7. Knight,
    Your 1/8 Brit must be recessive genes?

  8. The Knight who says Ni!June 11, 2009 at 8:25 AM

    I like to think my 1/8 Brit is where I get my rock & roll genes.  8-)

  9. The Knight who says Ni!June 11, 2009 at 8:29 AM

    Ouch!  >:o

  10. fan a.k.a The Knight who has No Life!June 11, 2009 at 8:35 AM

    I just got back from my morning swim. I wish Todd the rod would get here. I'm so horny.

  11. fan a.k.a The Knight who has No Life!June 11, 2009 at 8:36 AM

    <span style="">I just got back from my morning swim. I wish Todd the rod would get here. I'm so horny.</span>

  12. I to will write an all inspiring articile about ones wife who would clean your bank account clear after finding out about an affair that she didn't appove of. *DONT_KNOW*

  13. This is a very slow day of football news.

  14. Are you more Led Zeppelin or Herman and the Hermits?

  15. The Knight who says Ni!June 11, 2009 at 10:20 AM

    Led Zeppelin for sure. Some interesting trivia is that Jimmy Page is 1/8 Chinese.
